"[one of] the city's most gifted male musical theatre performers" - Richard Ouzounian, The Toronto Star
"Keep your eyes on Hughes, who's got star quality written all over him" - NOW Magazine

"If you’re ever in need of a smile, a laugh, or a little inspiration, look no further than Michael Hughes. [Mickey & Judy is] one of the most delightful shows I've seen at the festival in four years, a compelling story about individuality, determination, and love of performance."
- Joe Belanger, London Free Press
"Michael Hughes is a charming and instantly likeable performer. [He] augments his tales with well-chosen and beautifully performed show tunes. The joy he has in performing is infectious, and you’ll enjoy your time with him.”
- Laurie Bursch, Theatre In London
"From the moment Michael Hughes steps on stage the audience is enchanted by his performance. Hughes is a fantastic interpreter of the classic Garland songs he sings. His voice can soar and also observe the subtlest nuances. There’s a warmth to Hughes’ storytelling and a genuine connection with his audience. This is thanks to his perfect mix of humility and earnestness. He makes you root for him and cheer for his triumphs. This is one of the most polished and endearing Fringe shows I have seen in recent memory.”
- Adam Corrigan Holowitz, The London Yodeller
"Michael Hughes sings like Judy Garland but smolders like Gene Kelly"
- Brian Bantugan, FAB Magazine
"There is no question he can sing, but it isn't until he sings "Maria" from West Side Story toward the end of his act that your jaw drops as he hits the notes effortlessly."
- Dustin Fitzharris, Nitelife Exchange (New York City)
"A graduate of the prestigious International Cabaret Conference at Yale University, Hughes came flying in on the wings of an excellent program of songs associated with Judy Garland and more. Michael Hughes had stage presence enough for everyone in the room, and a winning smile, which he employed liberally throughout the well-received show. Combined with a good vibrato and effective phrasing, Hughes's impressive skills produced a completely believable performance, the feeling evident in his voice and on his face. One of the best turns of the evening was his rendition of "Maria," a tender ballad which he’s performed in stage productions of West Side Story."
- Jerry Osterberg, Cabaret Scenes Magazine (New York City)
"What makes this young man so engaging to watch? What makes him so darn likeable? Could it be his ability to embrace the audience, making each feel like a friend and confidant? Could it be his ability to weave songs into his story that bring smiles and heartfelt laughter to even the most jaded cabaret-goer? Could it be the worldliness he has wrapped in a blanket of hopeful innocence? Thanks to his fortitude and determination to fight for his destiny, he allows us, if ever so briefly, to remember what it might have been like had we fought a little harder to be worthy of being a true entertainer. Michael Hughes has proven that he has earned what is required to hold that title. I have no doubt that all of us who have had the chance to see him in this early stage of his cabaret career will look back with pride as we say, 'I saw him when...'"
- John Weatherford, Times Square Chronicles (New York City)
"An engaging performer with impressive pipes!"
- Robert Windeler, Bistro Awards (New York City)
"With disarming energy and a wide-eyed innocent eager-beaver look that can flip into a winking cat-that-swallowed-the-canary mischievous grin, Michael Hughes joyfully bounds onto the stage and jumps into his life story about his obsession with Broadway and movie musicals. A solid musical-comedy performer...amusingly self-deprecating. Mickey & Judy [is] thoroughly delightful and entertaining...a true pleasure. Michael Hughes has charisma and energy and is unstoppable."
- Rob Lester, Talkin' Broadway (New York City)
"Standout items were "Lullaby of Broadway" sung in a ballad style and a beautiful impassioned rendition of Bernstein’s "Maria". An artist well worth following!”
- Fiona-Jane Weston, StageWon (London, England)
"Hughes has a strong, well modulated singing voice with crystal-clear enunciation and an engaging persona."
- Malcolm Eadie, Remote Goat (London, England)
"Hughes is funny, charming and naively cynical without being unrealistic; In other words, a perfect character to root for. A great spoken and singing performance."
- Katherine Cunningham, Three Weeks Edinburgh (Scotland)
"The musical elements serve as a vehicle for [Hughes’] really quite EXTRAORDINARY VOICE – but the songs also clearly hold immense personal significance. Aficionados would probably recognize all of the tunes but at times it’d be easy to believe they were Hughes’ own work. Early in the show, Hughes tells us that characters in musicals sing when they are too emotional to speak. Emotions or not, when you can sing like this, talking is overrated."
- Anna Feintuck, Fest Magazine (UK)
"Mickey & Judy is Cabaret at its best: an engaging and talented performer who manages to create a real connection with his audience through the genuine context of his own life. Hughes demonstrates EXCELLENT COMIC FLAIR in songs like 'Make 'Em Laugh', but is equally strong in tender moments such as a soaring rendition of 'Maria'. In 'The Man That Got Away,' he virtually transforms into a male Judy Garland in both persona and vocal style, something that I would not have thought possible until I saw it executed so skillfully on stage. In Mickey & Judy, Hughes has created a show that is both universally entertaining and touching, inviting us to laugh and cry as we accompany him (and Judy) on this crazy journey called life."
"Traces of Judy can be found nearly everywhere, in choice of song ('Oh Do It Again', 'The Man That Got Away', 'The Trolley Song') and in Hughes' own voice. He proves he really did learn everything he knows about musicals from Judy with little lilts and trembles that mimic hers in his own lovely tenor. A TENOR THAT'S WORTHY ENOUGH TO GRACE THE STAGES OF THE WEST END AND BROADWAY."
- Lynne Marie Martens, BroadwayBaby (Scotland)
"The clever song-integrated show was nothing more or less than the remarkably charming Hughes with a microphone telling his story of growing up an interesting person. Michael Hughes was one of the breakout performers of the 2011 Toronto Fringe Festival with his heartrending one-man show. Hughes more than earned his Best Fringe Performer nomination for his humour, his honesty and that beautiful tenor voice."
- Kelly Bedard, My Entertainment World (Toronto)
"Hughes soon blows the audience away with his...stunning voice that is perfect for belting out Broadway songs. The best song, by far, was his impeccable version of “Maria,” from West Side Story. Many have performed this song, but with Hughes’s vocal range, and sincere inflection, the song took on a whole new meaning. To close the show, Hughes ends with...“Over the Rainbow,” from none other than The Wizard of Oz, with Hughes merely sitting atop the wicker chest, in a rendition so stirring, it caused goose-bumps. Hughes has triumphed by creating a one-man show that is simple in its concept, but which audiences will adore."
- Lindsay Marshall, (Toronto)
"In Mickey & Judy, Hughes elevates what is essentially a cabaret/lounge act to a confessional. He is ENGAGING, PERSONAL, UTTERLY CHARMING and, my goodness gracious, can the boy sing!"
- Wayne Leung, Mooney on Theatre (Toronto)
"Michael Hughes is SPECTACULAR! Wowing audiences with his dreamy, Judy Garland-esque voice and candid sense of humour. Between musical numbers, Hughes charms us with tales of his younger self: he wasn't your typical little boy. But THAT'S WHAT MAKES HIM A STAR!" - Theatromania (Toronto)
"Say hello to the next Michael Bublé. Michael Hughes' show is a well-honed cabaret act with Hughes' life story linking his tremendous performances of 15 famous show tunes. Hughes has a unique combination of charisma and complete lack of pretence. He makes each song, no matter how well known, into a personal expression of emotion. His passion makes all the old standards sound brand new."
- Christopher Hoile, NOW Magazine (Toronto)
"Dear Mr.Hughes: YOU MADE US LOVE YOU! Great heart, soul, pipes!"
- Glenn Sumi, NOW Magazine (Toronto)

"Michael Hughes gives a Jersey Boys quality rendition of Frankie Valli's 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You' and a beautiful version of Engelbert Humperdinck's 'Last Waltz'" - Mary Alderson, Entertain This Thought
"The two Princes, Eric Morin and Michael Hughes bring down the house with 'Agony.'"
- Connie Meng, North County Public Radio
"One of the best musical moments of the evening - and there are plenty of them - comes when Morin and his brother (Michael Hughes), who is also a prince but instead pursuing Rapunzel, sing of their 'Agony.'" - Peter Hendra, Kingston Whig-Standard
"Alana Hibbert as Lorraine and Michael Hughes as Dean, who play 'forbidden' lovers, are well-matched as outstanding actors ...thrilling audiences with high voltage vocals."
- Theresa Mallum, Prince George Free Press
"The gem of the night was charismatic Michael Hughes. Wow! Bursting with focused energy protesting, 'What do I need with Love?' and antidoting with a doting 'Maria' embracing romance, he glowed. Patter showed a winsome personality and heart. Closing with pop polish on 'Where Did I Go Wrong?' the answer was 'Nowhere'"
- Cabaret Scenes Magazine (New York City)
"A strong clear tenor." - Myra Chanin, Huffington Post (New York City)
"Michael Hughes, whose well-reviewed Mickey & Judy show is at the Duplex, got chuckles from his patter about a childhood obsession with dolls and then burst into a swingin' 'Hello, Dolly!'" - Rob Lester, Nitelife Exchange (New York City)
"Michael Hughes is the Gilbert Blythe of your dreams. He portrays Gilbert with a precise mix of a disciplined, ambitious, responsible young man, and the charming, flirtatious, playful boy of his youth. His performance appears so effortless and so sincere that it seems as though he just stepped out of a portrait from 1910. His beautifully smooth voice compliments the music nicely, and he also shows off his impressive dancing talents, especially in a rousing tap number." - Amanda Campbell, The Way I See It
"The eponymous leads were both very strong. Michael Hughes, who was tasked with convincing everyone that he was the finest catch around, one Gilbert Blythe, showed depth and charm. He delivered a particularly moving performance of All You Can Do is Wait." - Lennie MacPherson, The Guardian
"[Michael] Hughes has a remarkable voice and great stage presence. Hughes has a smooth, velvety voice, one that moved me to tears during one of Gilbert's more moving songs, "All You Can Do is Wait". His refreshing, comedic approach to the character had me chuckling. Hughes never missed a beat, word or note. He is a true professional."
- Nancy MacPhee, The Journal Pioneer